Upper Key Stage 2

Welcome to Years 5 and 6 

In Years 5 and 6, we aim to support children in developing their independent learning behaviours so that they feel better equipped when transitioning to high school.  We also believe that it is important to nurture their sense of self so that they start to learn more about who they are and the amazing things they are capable of.  When looking back at their time with us, we want them to think about all the wonderful things they did, and this is why we are committed to offering a broad and balanced curriculum.

Look at what we are learning about this term:

Yr5-6 Autumn topic letter

Autumn Term 2023

Year 5/6 have been looking at our school values in PSHE and thinking about what they mean for us this yearWe have been looking at what we can contribute, what our strengths are, and what we would like to work onWe designed some puzzle pieces to represent ourselves, our interests and abilitiesWe are going to combine these on a display to remind ourselves of what we can all bring to our new classes this year. 


We have been focusing on gymnastics in PE. We’ve looked at a variety of shapes including pike, tuck, straddle, and star. Now, we are looking at the skill of matching and mirroring and the children performed mirrored shapes with a partner on the apparatus.  



We have evaluated the effectiveness of the bridges they designed and made before Christmas.  In DT, we made arches out of ‘voussoirs’ to make a secure and stable bridge.  We tested the bridges by rolling marbles across them. We tried to make our bridges look as attractive as possible (like the Charles Bridge in Prague or the Roman aqueduct in Nimes).  


We have been studying ancient Greek pottery in our art learning. We practiced some of the techniques used to create and form a Greek pot including coiling, scoring and slipping. We are looking forward to creating some amazing Greek pots during our parent event! 

Spring Term 2024

Year 5/6 Spring Topic Letter

We have started a literacy unit on Anne FrankWe have been finding out about her life with a view to writing biographiesIt has been interesting to learn more about World War Two and the impact it had on families and childrenTo help gather information about her life we have watched some short documentaries and sorted the main events of her life into chronological order. 


Our new geography learning is focused on South America.  We started to look at the different geographical elements and used atlases to find and name all 12 countries and their capital cities.