Home-Learning At Woodwater Academy

We canvassed the views of our parents in relation to home-learning and have worked as a staff to develop a set of home-learning principles that take account of their views.  It is our view that there are many ways to support learning at home: going for a walk and chatting about what can be heard/seen; baking; gardening; art and craft, and taking part in sports are just a few.  We encourage all of our parents to support their children through these conversation rich activities wherever possible.

Some regular activities at home, which support the school curriculum can make a big difference to a child’s progress.  It also allows parents to become more involved in their child’s education.  Therefore we provide the following home learning opportunities:

EYFS – Reading books to share at home – these may be story books to share for pleasure, wordless books or early phonics decodable books.

Year 1 and Year 2 – Reading books to share – decodable phonics based books, matched to your child’s ability which allow them to apply their phonics skills.  Spelling Shed – the children are provided with a ‘Spelling Shed’ account where their teacher can set spellings for them to practise at home.  Spelling Shed is an online platform where the children can play games and the teacher can view their progress.

Year 3 and Year 4 – Reading books from the Accelerated Reader system, spelling practise via your Spelling Shed Account, times tables practise on Times Table Rockstars and an additional half-termly cross curricular task set on Microsoft Teams.

Year 5 and Year 6 – Reading books from the Accelerated Reader system, spelling practise via your Spelling Shed Account, times tables practise on Times Table Rockstars and an additional recorded piece of homework every few weeks to reflect work undertaken in school. This may be on paper or via Microsoft Teams.  In the Spring and Summer Term, Year 6 children will receive additional homework tasks in a CGP SATs revision book.

More information about the online home learning platforms we use can be found below:

Spelling Shed

Welcome to Spelling Shed

Times Table Rock Stars

Accelerated Reader

Welcome to Accelerated Reader

Microsoft Teams

Teams user guide phone and tablet

Teams user guide PC or laptop – access assignments