Parent Feedback
SATS Tests
Information on statutory testing for children in Y2 and Y6.
Other Information
- Absence Request Form
- Breakfast and After School Club Times and Prices
- Breakfast & Afterschool Club Registration Form
- Operation Encompass
- Our Home School Agreement, including our use of images of children
- School clubs, and extra curricular activities
- Snow and bad weather plan, with a link to Devon School Closures Information
- Latest school dinner menu
- Woodwater School Uniform Guide
Supporting Your Child At Home
- Our approach to home learning
- Remote learning offer
- Teams user guide PC or laptop – access assignments
- Teams user guide phone and tablet – assignments
- Tapestry parent guide
- Keyword lists to spell and read
- Our class pages…see what the children have been up to
- Our approach to the teaching of reading
- Short videos on how to help your child with their reading
- Short videos on how your child might be using a numberline in maths
- An educational jargon-buster
We provide a range of website links for children on our “Children” and “Links” pages. At the time of posting these links are working and have been checked and considered appropriate. Please let the school office know immediately if any link stops working, or you have a concern to report. We provide some internet safety tips and recommend that you discuss these with your children regularly. Click on the icons below for internet safety support and guidance for parents.