The structure of our school…
We teach our children in four “Units”. Each unit has three classes and these classes are named after famous children’s authors, as we are working hard to improve our reading standards across the school.
1. The Foundation Stage Unit (Nursery and Reception Classes)
Mrs Weeks “Rosen class” (Nursery)
Mrs Kerswell “Donaldson class” (Reception)
Mrs Sandbach and Miss Dashwood “Inkpen class” (Reception)
2. The Key Stage 1 Unit (Year 1 and Year 2 Classes)
Mrs Andrews “Murphy class” (Year 1 & 2)
Mrs Jones and Miss Puttick “Ahlberg class” (Year 2)
Mrs Lockett and Mrs Zawadski “Browne class” (Year 1 & 2).
3. The Lower Key Stage 2 Unit (Year 3 and Year 4 Classes)
Miss Osman “Smith class” (Year 3 & 4)
Miss Barrett “Dahl class” (Year 3 & 4)
Mrs Laver “Blyton class” (Year 4)
The Upper Key Stage 2 Unit (Year 5 and Year 6 Classes)
Miss Davies “Rowling class” (Year 5 & 6)
Mr Wilding and Mrs Kay “Morpurgo class” (Year 5 & 6)
Miss Mothersele “Shakespeare class” (Year 6)
Mr Roberts “Horowitz class” (Year 6)
Each unit accommodates approximately 90 children. Class groupings are reviewed every year and reorganised to meet the needs of individual groups of children.
School Leadership
Head Teacher: Rachel Olivant
Deputy Head: Sarah Price (Acting)
EYFS Leader: Nikki Kerswell
Y1/2 Leader: Laura Jones
Y3/4 Leader: Jocelyn Laver
Y5/6 Leader: Sarah Price
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator: Lorraine Puttick
CEO of Ventrus Trust: Gary Chown
Chair of Local Governing Body: Shane Cox
Siblings in the same year group, including twins
From the academic year 13-14, during their time in EYFS and KS1, twins will be taught in the same class. Once children move into KS2, where we start to expect greater levels of independence from all children, twins will be taught in separate classes. The Head teacher will take account of exceptional circumstances, on an individual basis.